
The first generation
The first generation

The first generation of flotation produced in the mid 80' s, has simple manufacturing process, can only manual control and adoptthe primary gas dissolving system, TS type tubular releasing device.

The second generation
The second generation

The second generation of flotation was produced in 1990s, itsoverall manufacturing technology has some progresses with adapting the semi-automatic control system and high pressure airspraying, improving the efficiency of dissolved air and developing the second generation of TJ releaser.

The third generation
The third generation

The third generation of flotation was produced at thebeginning of the century. Its manufacturing process was improvedwith using CNC cutting,pool body stamping,PLC automatic operation system,the third generation of Tw releaser,high pressure airless spraying and further strengthening the efficiencyof dissolved air .

the fourth generation
the fourth generation

In 2011, the fourth generation of flotation was produced. ltsmanufacturing technology was comprehensively improved byusing CNC laser and water jet cutting, pool body stamping bending forming. The system is highly integrated intelligent operation and adopts the effective releaser with 95% air dissolving efficiency andthe air-released rate reaches around 95%.

The fifth generation
The fifth generation

The fifth generation of flotation was developed and producedin 2015. Its hydraulic load reaches as high as 30 m3/(m2 ·H).The skid-mounted flotation equipment's daily processing capacitycan reach 25,000 tons. The system adopts the intelligentmonitoring system with"Internet of Things" and provides "CloudDigital Service".